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The Maine Event

Ships log, August 23, 23:02, N 42 30.137’ W 069 26.554’ AWS 8.6, AWA 152, SOG 7.19 with Spinnaker and Main. We haven’t sailed overnight in months. I had pre-departure jitters, but last night, there was a dome of stars… more

Sun Beats Fog

Maine in June was wet this year. It rained for thirty days and thirty nights (No kidding.) When John & Stacey showed up at the dinghy dock on July 5th, the sun came out, and for the next five days,… more

Warmed by Family

My view is quintessential New England. A rocky shoreline sprinkled with earth-toned cape houses frames a foggy horizon, and a handful of coy lobster pots bob in the distance, misrepresenting the magnitude of what's to come. We know it will… more

June 8th is a Fantastic Day

One of the things I like most about the sailing life is that silly American holidays no longer dictate what we should celebrate when. Sorry folks, but I don't give a rat's ass about New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, or… more

A Long Interview with the Captain (warning: technical)

Question: How do Michael and I sail both Gerty’s from Antigua to Rhode Island?  Answer: We don’t. We expected to be the unfortunate owners of two boats for a short time, and that time is now. So we made a… more

Taming the Beast

I had forgotten what it's like to soar above the clouds like this. Sitting in a temperature-controlled cabin, relying entirely on a stranger to captain this ship in the sky, I'm free to look out the porthole and peer at… more

Gerty is for Sail

Gerty girl is for sale It hurts to say good-bye Remember our first gale, the blue whale Low tied and highest high We ran aground in softest sand The kids jumped off your lofty bow Remember the first time we… more

Visitors, Visitors, and More Visitors

What a view! A bottle of 3M marine wax sits on the table in the foreground while a blue quick-dry towel, wet suit, and mesh vinyl backing to the nav station desk chair hang on the port side lifeline. A… more

13 Nights

On the first night of our Atlantic Crossing my true love gave to me a LUMPY, BUMBY, ROLLY SEA. On the second night of our Atlantic Crossing my true love gave to me TWO HOURS OF DRAGGING A BUOY, and… more

The Gambia

Chapter 1 Off our starboard side, there's something there, silhouetted against the sun. Slender, and wooden, it comes into view. Three dark-as-night fishermen are on board, two standing and one sitting at the outboard. They stare at us, and we… more

Time for The Gambia

A year and a half ago we met a young German doctor in the Azores who told us tales about a foreign land where the children are so friendly that they paddle into the river to your sailboat just to… more

Rainbow of Islands

Milky sail drive oil is bad. If it's not clear, then there's water in it. Gerty's looks like the overpriced coconut water that sits next to the sports drinks in the health food aisle. You know, the blue bottle that… more
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