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Ten and a Half Bridges

Saturday, November 3 We had wonderful reasons to be away from Gerty these past few weeks, but we missed her dearly. And to think we have returned this weekend to bring her to her winter resting place. So I write… more

How Two Americans Decided to Buy a New Boat From France

My love for the beach was always hard for Michael to understand.  For him, it was too crowded, too sunny, too sedentary, and way too sandy.  Many times he asked me, “Why do you like the beach?” My answer was… more

We Love Gerty’s Wide Rear End

Sometimes Gerty is a bit self conscious about her rear end.  Admittedly, it tends not to be her most photographed end.  I can't really blame her considering all the internet chatter bemoaning the trend towards carrying a sailboats beam well… more

Fall Sailing – Long Island Sound

Wednesday September 19 - We have done it again! We’ve escaped the work week early and it’s starting to feel a little bit less like we’ve broken all the rules and more like we’ve done something super smart.  We meet in… more

Worthy of Multiple Passes

September 2 Aunt Jill and Uncle Michael enjoy a day of rest. Absolutely beautiful end of summer sail to Port Jefferson Harbor. Sunset, time to read a book, dinner under the stars, the whole shebang! September 3 Labor Day I… more

Parenting Without the Responsibility

The crew we picked up at Watch Hill dinghy dock: Aunt Liz (back pack filled with kids stuff), Uncle Todd (bigger back pack filled with more of kids stuff), Talia (blue eyes, gold skin, turquoise converse sneakers), Kayla (blue eyes,… more

What’s Better Than Meclizine Hydrochloride

We need food. We have guests coming and I forgot the chicken in the fridge at home. Dinghy, run, provision shop, walk, dinghy, depart. We need water too. Stop for water. We need gas. Wait, no we don’t, we got… more

Three Mile Harbor

Although we know we will sail Gerty well into the Fall season, this trip is significant in that the calendar says it will be our last summer sailing trip. We wake up excited and set sail immediately in light winds… more

Like a Kid

I feel like a kid because I’m with my sweet heart and we’re crunched into a tiny train seat with our huge back packs piled up under our feet and over our heads. We’re sweaty, farily dirty, very hot (real… more

No Sails Required

For a brief three days we had both our children home!  We are thrilled for them and their adventures, but it is sure great when they stay still long enough to be in the same place at the same time. … more

Most Elegant Motor Yacht?

I think Watch Hill is home of the most elegant Motor Yacht.  One beautiful boat. more

Fish Stories to Come

There is lots of low level cursing coming from the port aft cabin, or ‘workroom’ as we call it. Grunting whispers of, “sonuvabitch, O’comm’n and aaww shit.” Yup, the pleasantries of another boat project is what I am hearing. This… more
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