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Visitors, Visitors, and More Visitors

What a view! A bottle of 3M marine wax sits on the table in the foreground while a blue quick-dry towel, wet suit, and mesh vinyl backing to the nav station desk chair hang on the port side lifeline. A…

13 Nights

On the first night of our Atlantic Crossing my true love gave to me a LUMPY, BUMBY, ROLLY SEA. On the second night of our Atlantic Crossing my true love gave to me TWO HOURS OF DRAGGING A BUOY, and…

The Gambia

Chapter 1 Off our starboard side, there's something there, silhouetted against the sun. Slender, and wooden, it comes into view. Three dark-as-night fishermen are on board, two standing and one sitting at the outboard. They stare at us, and we…

Time for The Gambia

A year and a half ago we met a young German doctor in the Azores who told us tales about a foreign land where the children are so friendly that they paddle into the river to your sailboat just to…

Rainbow of Islands

Milky sail drive oil is bad. If it's not clear, then there's water in it. Gerty's looks like the overpriced coconut water that sits next to the sports drinks in the health food aisle. You know, the blue bottle that…

Broken Boom

Some days are good. It's crisp and sunny outside, and I'm feeling smug because I know how to say whip cream in four languages. The obvious, whip cream, plus chantilly, panna, and nata.  Some days are shitty, like the one…

Mission Improbable

Leaving Formentera this morning in the dark, against a lee shore, in twenty knots, was our best situation in days. All we had to do was dodge the lightning bolts. At least we could squeeze in five hours of sleep…

Everything but a Med August

A guacamole stain on my dress is distracting me from the view out the plane window.  Part of me doesn’t want to wash it off.  We were having a picnic with Zachary and his friends in Central Park just yesterday. …


Two of the three officials that boarded Gerty when we arrived in Monastir, Tunisia had ink on the tip of their index finger.  We knew that their new controversial constitution was at stake on the day we arrived. “Did you…

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