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A Pirate’s Perspective

Only because of a strong upcoming wind did Gerty dock in front of my house in Brindisi, South Italy on the 14th of October.  That’s how I (Axel from Vienna) bumped into Michael and Jill.

My plan was to bring three sailing ships to Albania for an annual charity event, where clowns and pirates bring toys and clothing to disadvantaged children.   The mission, Toys Attack Albania,, is a cooperation of the clown association, Naukleros Onlus, and my pirate association,  In addition to the 20 people on the 3 ships, 30 people planned to join us from all over Italy by ferry boat to Valona, Albania.

As we worked together to repair Gerty’s  broken gooseneck, people arrived in vans and loaded charity boxes onto the boats. 

On Friday, 15th October we had a press conference and dinner on my terrace. overlooking the charming old town of Brindisi, with some friends from United Nations (UNGSC).

On Saturday morning Albanian friends, Ardo and lovely Eni, Don Perreta (UK+I nationality!), and I joined Gerty’s crew.

The Guardia Finanza escorted us out of the harbor and we set sail.  Gerty was happy, in high waves, sunshine, and perfect wind direction.  Three fast ships (Gerty, Futura, and Magic 3) were headed to Albania! The 11 hour ride was smooth, with only a little seasickness, and a good mood all around.  We watched a fantastic sunset and upon our arrival in darkness a big group of pirates and clowns welcomed us.

On Sunday 17th  we made visits to children with special needs, a hospital, and the sailing ships. We sailed with the children in sunshine and light winds.  Jill was happy with all the happy kids around her.

Dinner was by invitation of the Italian consul, Ms Iva Palmieri.  The pirates honored the organizer, Andrea Rubino, for his fabulous duty with a lifetime membership, and Don, our London filmmaker, recorded the whole event. (Of course, Don captured wonderful photos of the children as well, but we cannot show here due to child protection reasons.)

On Monday 18th morning, we took a second sailing trip with children from an orphanage.

In the afternoon, Gerty crew decided to sail to Seranda, Albania for our next mission, instead of taking the bus.  We had a wonderful 66 mile overnight sail.  There was a full moon, and smooth wind and wave conditions.  This experience helped me to envision captaining a traditional sailing ship for education in Brindisi!

The bus from Valona arrived with 20 crazy clowns and pirates, all ready to perform at the orphanage, and we had a terrific time with the children. 

Then we enjoyed a traditional Albanian dance performance that many of us, including Michael and Jill got to participate in.  Finally, the sad moment came to say goodbye.  The clowns and pirates took the ferryboat back to Brindisi, and it was all over.

But not for long, because immediately we came to the conclusion, that there will be a follow up trip in 2022!  We will bring more sailing ships to do good for Albania.  The clowns will bring cheer to children in italy all year round and the pirates are planning to operate a traditional sailing ship for education purposes in Brindisi.

Thanks to everyone for this adventure!  I know there will be more.  And don’t forget that you always have someone to help in Southern Italy should any problems occur.  Gerty, we wish you always a “hand width” water under the keel, and smooth gods of the sea!

All yours,


Last Remarks

  • I never learned in so short a time so much from skipper Michael, how to make a ship safe and efficient. My wife, Giovanna, was astonished to see me coming back in a special positive mood and promised to join next year. The mission was a success, we will improve the organization and sure the wind will bring us together in different world regions. There are clowns and pirates, you just need to have the right perspective.

Comments (6)

  1. I will be smiling all day after reading Axel’s blog post. So glad that you both participated in Toys Attach Albania mission.

  2. How extraordinary to hear this fabulous story of how a new team provided lots of cheer to children who likely rarely receive it. Congratulations to all for making a small piece of the world a little better.

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