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Today is Enough for Today

Two years to the day, we were not where we are now.  We’re strategically anchored amongst three little islands at the end of a long straight where the wind is known to funnel from the north.  We’re here with our not-so-new friends and mentors Yuka and Francesco waiting for the blow.  I just squirmed into a still-wet-from-yesterday wetsuit because I’m surrounded by diehards who woke up this morning wanting to splash into the cold water and feel the wind at their backs.  I hadn’t even finished my coffee when Francesco showed up to give Michael his mission.  The two of them ogled over a surfboard thingy that’s somehow complete without foot straps.  This contraption is supposed to help Michael master the next level of insanity.

On the anniversary of our departure from New York I sat down at my computer inspired to take inventory.  For us, and for all of you nuts who read this blog, I was going to jot down an organized list of positive and negative experiences that we’ve had over the last twenty-four months.  I was going to reflect and try to be objective.  Then at the start of this paragraph, I got bored.  I thought, Why?  Why not just live for today?  I will count my blessings – family, friends, our incredible planet, and ride that water until I can carve upwind like a pro!

Comments (6)

  1. That looks so amazing. Yes, live for the moment, and I will live that moment vicariously through you and Michael.

  2. I want a Freaky Friday incident so I can trade lives with you! Your life, your journey- it all is so incredible. Keep moving forward and let us live vicariously through these experiences.

  3. I’ve just looked at your track of the Greek Islands and worked out the logic of your peripatetic wanderings: the constellation of Orion. Obvious.

    1. We had to look up both “peripatetic,” and the constellation of Orion. Yes- you are correct! And the really weird thing about your note is that ORION is the main character in the novel I am writing. He guides me in more ways than one!

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