Old Friend / Young Sailor
We are thrilled to acknowledge Ethan as our youngest sailor yet!
Ethan, who is five or six (we can’t remember) was kind enough to have a mooring set up for us in Niantic. We felt like royalty when the launch came to pick us up and Ethan’s Dad, Todd treated us to a great lunch at the Niantic Yacht Club, where Todd was notably sailor of the year in 1986 as demonstrated by the gold placard on the wall. Did I mention that Todd and Michael have been friends since High School?
After lunch Ethan, Todd and the Grandparents joined us for a rather snazzy day sail- 8 to 10 knots on the beam, happy sail up, Fishers Island and back, white puffy clouds floating in a sky of blue. Back on land Todd’s mom had us pick up the best corn ever from the farm stand and bring it back for delicious conversation and dinner too.
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