We started sailing with Jill & Michael on the Hudson River on their first little sailboat. About a year later when they sold their house, we learned of their dreams of Gerty. Their summer nights were now spent in the harbor in Mamaroneck and we watched in awe as Michael and Jill gained knowledge, skills, and focus. A sunset cruise from Mamaroneck was a real adventure for us, but for them, it was just practice for the voyages that lay ahead.
Amid COVID, they left home, Irvington, land. They left us and our frequent impromptu walks and pot luck dinners. We were happy for them, but we missed them too. They were living their dream while the rest of us were in a Covid hibernation.
“Come visit us,” was how they ended every zoom, every call, every email, and text. How could we? We couldn’t fly. No country would let us in. For a year we read the blog, followed Predict Wind, and missed spending time with them.
Michael and Jill were crossing the Atlantic as the world started to open. Upon arrival in the Azores, they received our first text, “We are thinking of coming to Spain, where will you be?” A few phone calls and texts later, they received another text, “Hope you were serious with your offer, because we are coming!” We made these impulsive plans and days later plane tickets were purchased and we flew to Madrid. After our 4 days of cycling, we rented a car and were off to meet them. At last, Benidorm was the confirmed meeting location and upon seeing Michael and Jill waiting for us, we blocked traffic as we jumped out of our car and hugged and laughed, soaking in the moment with amazement that this was really happening. It was incredible!

We then dinghied to Gerty, and just like that, there we were, living inside their dream.
Michael and Jill have become seasoned sailors. The way they synchronize their handling of Gerty and the sea is something to behold. Calm, confident, and welcoming. We didn’t know what to expect of our voyage. What we did find was a Mediterranean paradise. Over the next four days, we hiked a mountain to see ancient caves and Moorish towers. We snorkeled with fish in crystal clear waters. We paddle boarded through stone arches carved by the waves. We toured through ancient cities and took shade in beachside cafes.

During one of our walks in the town of Xabia, we almost busted a gut laughing in an appliance store where Michael and Jill were considering the merits of a washing machine for Gerty vs. an electric scooter. I think the scooter may be the winner but they needed to test drive the scooters through the store’s refrigerator aisles first!

And we sailed. On a perfect wind from Cap D’Or to Cap Negre, we had a free ride. No tacking required, straight up the coast. Stacey even took the wheel for a stretch.

The cliffs, beaches, and mountains were portside and there was nothing but blue sea to starboard. When we arrived at Cap Negre, anchoring was a challenge. This gorgeous sheltered cove with towering cliffs had varying depths below, patches of sand, and big piles of rocks on the seabed that had fallen from the cliffs above. Trying to drop anchor we could hear the metal anchor grind on stone as Gerty pulled on her chain. After a few attempts, Michael donned a mask, snorkel, and flippers. He jumped off the stern and swam to find the perfect patch of sand to anchor on. All the while Jill piloted Gerty in tight quarters to get the bow over that ideal spot without running over Michael.

Sometimes Stacey and I had little tasks to do. Other times we just marveled at Michael and Jill’s sailing prowess. Michael, Jill, and Gerty naturally united towards a single purpose.
As we sailed from anchorage to anchorage, we had great meals onboard Gerty! Michael barbequed dinner. Jill served killer coffee each morning and prepared delicious salads and pasta from hidden stores of fresh fruit and vegetables. How they entertain from a boat so effortlessly is a mystery.

As we drank sangria, shared stories, and got nostalgic, we made new plans. We laughed and talked till too late in the night. Then, like a sober awakening from a fantasy dream, we were hugging and kissing our hosts goodbye as we got into a taxi for the journey home.

As we write this entry still rocking back and forth to Gerty’s rhythm, we know how fortunate we were to have experienced something so magical. We will always cherish the time spent on Gerty with our dear friends Michael and Jill, who shared their dream with us. We miss them already.
John & Stacey
Lovely piece! How fortunate for all to have such adventures!
Yes! We feel so lucky to have had John & Stacey on board Gerty
What a wonderful description of a time, a place and the way Jill and Michael act! Love it!
We loved having our guest bloggers. Not sure every day on Gerty is as smooth as John and Stacey make it out to be, but they brought the weather and the wind, as well as the laughs.
Great post! Thanks for sharing your fun adventure with the crew of svgerty. Had a big smile reading about.
So much fun to have a guest blogger, not to mention the actual guests!
Very sweet. I Can’t wait!
Try to bring the weather and wind when you come too, and it will be smooth sailing- ha ha!
I really enjoyed hearing about the “adventure” from a layman. The whole thing is so foreign to me and John and Stacey, you put it all into perspective. I’m glad you made the trip and I know how important it is to Jill and Michael to have good friends share their dream. So, thank you from Mom, as now we know that all that goes on with Gerty is indeed really happening!
Wow! What a fantastic adventure! I’m now motivated to get out on the water again soon!
What a beautiful friendship in such glorious surroundings! I enjoyed reading this special blog-