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Dear Maine,

Thank you for your time.

Yesterday you ushered us out on wind as fast and swift as the night you took us in.  Only this time it was with sunshine and a steady 26 to 30 knots from the West, for a close haul and then beam reach from Biddeford Pool to Gloucester, Massachusetts.  Did you see Gerty gallop in those gusts of 35 knots?  Did you hear us laughing as the waves jumped out of the sea to splash us silly?  It must have been a happy sight – us marveling at our boat that was powered magnificently by the wind, while our fishing rod trailed behind, pulling a lure too fast for any fish alive in the ocean to catch.

Too tired to eat, or sleep, or even anchor, we picked up a mooring, wondered if there was any salt left in the ocean that was not on our boat or on our clothes, and reflected on the season.

We will miss you and your perfect cruising ground complete with seals, one store towns, granite shorelines, and oh the trees – endless evergreen pines that fed us shade all summer long and gave us eagles, falcons, and ospreys to admire.  Thank you for lending us your crispy cool water and for bringing us friends and family to share our adventure.  Never again will we see a lobster pot and not think of you!

It is with a pinch of sadness and a great deal of excitement that we say good-bye to you and look forward to our adventure south, fully acknowledging the risk that our ice cream might be melty.


Jill, Michael & Gerty

Comments (7)

  1. Glad to see that Maine was such a wonderful host. Continue to be unbelievably jealous every day of this adventure but incredibly happy that my best friend and her husband are having this experience. What a life you lead! Enjoy every moment and continue to keep all of us boring folk up to date on your travels. Miss you. Love you. And how long until you get to Georgia?

  2. Amazing Adventure and make the most of it, good and bad :), we are planning ours in a few years time (also 2 of us). If you guys were offered the opportunity now to choose a replacement yacht, would it still be the 45.9 or other? And if so why?

    1. For our current plans we believe we made the right decision with the Allures 45.9. It is a great boat and home. It is the right size for us. We feel safe and comfortable and are very happy with how she sails. She is well thought out. We are thrilled to have a draft under four feet and a monohull that we can squeeze into relatively tight anchorages.

      But, you ask if given the opportunity now to choose a replacement if we would choose an identical Allures 45.9. Perhaps – although, I suspect that might bore us. The problem would be that at the price point and size, it might be tough to find an exciting alternative that offers everything that Gerty provides.

  3. Almost end of September and summer memories are now for a lifetime. We loved seeing you. I belatedly discovered this incredible blog. Look forward to hearing your adventures. Looks like you are almost in our backyard on the Chesapeake bay. Will speak to you and hope to see you soon. Lots of love. John

  4. It was wonderful meeting you and sharing an evening on your parents deck. I’m envious of you and the adventures you’re sharing. In my next life!

    Continued fair weather! Amazing experiences are waiting!!
    Elaine, Tree and Grandsons Bud and Xavi.

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