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If I am walking down the street and I see someone wearing the same shirt that I’m wearing, I don’t think, “We have the same taste in shirts, therefore we could be friends.” Perhaps if I order the same chicken parmigiana meal as the person at the next table, there is some very small connection. Same car? Nope. Same running shoes? Not really. Same pet? Nah. Same boat?

I can only answer this one way because there are only about eight Allure 45.9 hulls in existence as I write this. Furthermore, there are only two in the United States. And this fact alone brought A Capella of Belfast along with Julian and Patricia to tie up next to us in Mamaroneck for the weekend.

The truth is that I don’t think that buying the same boat had that much to do with igniting the friendship, but facts are facts and without the boats, it is likely we would have never met this wonderful duo! What a great time we had! There was tea with sailing, tea with adventure tales, tea with exchanging of pertinent information, tea with boat tours and tea after dinner.

Was great to compare notes.  Our to do/shopping/consider list includes: clutch covers, soda stream, custom wrench handle for raw water filter, microwave steamer, freezer, water maker, anchor light photo sensor, hard windshield for dodger, pillows, and more fans. Their consider list includes: Mantus light, aluminum shelves, maybe a paddle board, and probably more.

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