Blessings counted
It has been four days since we left the Annapolis boat show and we are anchored at Barnegat Light Harbor in New Jersey. Sadly, we just listened to SV Evening Light Mayday on Channel 16. She ran aground at the…
The Boat Show
We had a few great days at the Annapolis Boat show. While Gerty was on display, Swiftsure accommodated us in a room in the house they rented. We had two intense days visiting booths and boats. We also met many…
October 1, 2017 will go down in history as the day that Jill was able to start the outboard motor on Dalorous the dinghy. I am so pumped about this accomplishment! You should have seen me tear it up! Like…
North Wind
Today was a day for sailing! We were very happy to have the Dwyers (Alice, Steve and Mick) graciously meet us at the Rhode River Smithsonian Education Research Center for an excursion on Gerty. They were a hard working crew…
St Michael’s
Last night there was a banging sound. It was loud and consistent, but only sounding about every 4 minutes. We thought about ignoring it, but it was windy and we were worried. We donned life jackets, head lamps, and jackets…
Rhode to Wye to St Michael’s
Wednesday morning we ran at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Then, we sailed about 20 nautical miles from Rhode River to Wye River. TWS 12-17 knots NNE. Our destination spot at N 38˚52.10’ W 76 10.45’ was simply beautiful, with…
Arrival USA
So much has happened in the last forty-eight hours! I should be sleeping off the exhaustion, but if I don’t write down some of it, I know I will lie awake worrying about what I will forget! Technically, Gerty arrived…
Keeping it Fresh
Like our electrical setup, we modified our plumbing system. The Allures 45.9 comes standard with a raw (salt) water thru hull and distribution loop that services the toilet and a foot pump in the galley. We eliminated this entire system…
Totally Disconnected
The Allures 45.9 comes standard with a shore power connection and charger. Most boats with a house electrical system have this ability to “plug in”. So why did we decide to forego a shore power connection? The logic started with…
Coming to America
Yesterday, Philippe and Raphael from Allures sailed Gerty from Cherbourg, France to Southampton, UK. We have heard that the weather was heavy, but they made the passage safely. They waited for her to be loaded onto a much bigger ship…
So How Did She Sail?
Over the course of 12 days we sailed Gerty through all points of sail, in light air to a fresh breeze. We did not experience any heavy weather or strong winds. Our sail inventory was limited to the Main, the…
Back to France
On Thursday we headed back to France and sailed approximately 35 nautical miles to the incredibly quaint town of Omonville-la -Rogue. The wind was a steady 10 knots at our backs and although the seas were confused by the strong…