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We Might Be Nuts

You know how when your kid is born, you love them, but you don’t know them? Quickly they develop personality traits, idiosyncrasies and physical characteristics so that you can not only identify them from a mile away, but so that…

Summer Starts

Michael told me last night that summer starts June 21st. Bullshit! Summer is my favorite season of the year and I consider myself an expert at recognizing the starting signals. The excruciatingly high pitched tone of the ice- cream truck…

Can’t Always Be This Good

Teenagers and grandparents galore for a Saturday morning sail on June 9th. The crew: Grandma E (pretty in traditional blue and white sailing style), Zachary (backward baseball cap, Georgetown tank top, Joshua (reflective sunglasses-too cool), nephew Nathaniel (clean cut Cornell…

Friends Aboard

We don’t know many sailors. Our hometown isn’t landlocked, but in the Hudson River Towns you’re more likely to meet kayakers, soccer parents, bikers, skiers and pilates lovers. So I was pleasantly surprised when my long time friend Lori called…


My worry was really building as the week days passed by. To my surprise, it was none of the traditional sailing fears that were surfacing; what if Michael falls off the boat?, What if we hit a whale?, and so…

Crew 1.0

Last night, Saturday April 29th we had our first local guests aboard. Maxine, Michael, Kathryn and Rob were terrific crew! The wind was easy breezy blowing at 10 knots from the South on a calm sea. We hit the Connecticut…

Sailing Season Has Arrived!

Sailing season has arrived! Thus far it’s everything I hoped it would be! Michael had been futzing on Gerty all winter here and there, but we really started prepping her for the season around April 7th. We painted the bottom…

End of the Season?

Don’t let the season end. We have arrived in Peekskill, NY and Gerty will be taken out of the water in a few weeks for the winter. We are “happy sad” and do not want to go back to work…

Home Turf

Now we’re talk’n. Wind N NW, 12 knots with gusts to 18 knots, mostly sunny skies. This is our home, so we know the Hudson River can be a challenge for sailors. First there’s a tide up to 3 knots,…

New York, New York

As I write this, we have taken Gerty off autopilot so Elaine can experience the helm and there is lots of shouting, laughing and chaos! This is our third time in New York City Harbor and I imagine it will…

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