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A New Year

Ships log 01-07-2025 08:00. We went through the Hao pass at 06:30 with 2 knots of incoming current against us and 9 knots of wind on the starboard stern quarter. Thirty minutes past slack, the water was turbulent with no standing waves. Our current position is S 18°09.7 W141°03.9, and we’re sailing with the spinnaker and main. TWS 7.2 AWS 9.6 SOG 6.7 AWA -55° TWA 97° Mast angle -30.5°

Unlike our last overnight sail, this time, I’m doing things right. Pre-prepared meals are Tupperwared in the fridge, my scopolamine patch is on, I got a good night’s sleep, and my attitude is on the right side of The Pacific. In case blue water sailor imposter syndrome or writer’s block strikes while at sea, I’ve downloaded two good books and some girl television to help me to my destination. I’m fully loaded with memories and sailing mojo. So let’s go.

The Basil King is moving his plants around the cockpit as I write this, and I must admit, I’m impressed that he can captain the boat and grow herbs. What a guy! After over a year of tending to droopy plants that kept quitting on me, Michael decided to try growing our basil, and voila! 

We’re feeling good, not just because we get to eat pesto once a week. New and old friends swooped us up for Christmas after Zachary left, and it was hard to be sad while caroling in German.

Plus, Ralf sold Michael his wingfoil in Fakarava, and he has been like a kid with a new toy ever since.

As soon as I took his stitches out and he got the all-clear, he was out practicing in Tahanea. We went there for New Year’s Eve. Imagine sailing sixty miles to attend a party! Spending time with Jacqui, Phil, and Simon on SV Skylark was worth it. Besides having a feast of freshly caught lobsters and tuna, we got to see them free dive. Phil dove competitively in New Zealand, so he was more interesting to us than the fish!

Then it was onward to Hao, where we scored fuel, a cabbage, ten oranges, and some new friends on SV Indioko. I also discovered my new superpower—cleaning Gerty’s hulls with the miraculous Sea Scrubber. If only every boat gizmo worked as well. After repairing our electric winch no less than five times, Michael has deemed it a manual winch until we can secure replacement parts. So I’m hoping for fairwinds, following seas and limited reefing (requires winching) to come.

Last remarks

  • Lovely to spend the time with you: Ralph and Barbara SV Lille Venn. Brigitta and Hans SV MariaNoa, Chris and Beata SV Halley, Theresa and Joe SV Freefall, Rajesh and Jerome SV My Motu, Ralf and Wiebka SV Flora, Jacqui and Phil SV Skylark, Ian and Brioni SV Indioko, and Kim an Ben SV Kujira.
  • To purchase a Sea Scrubber or just show your support please visit Brioni and Ian’s website and youtube channel at (

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