Saint Vaast La Hougue
Sunrise and morning dew in Barfleur.
We had to motor to Saint Vaast La Hougue. No wind. But, it was a quick motor and a really interesting approach. The marina is basically one giant lock- it stays full of water when the tide (about 30 feet) runs out. It was our first docking situation, and in a crowded marina no less. We did OK. Michael stayed very calm, me not so much. But the good news is, we parallel parked successfully alongside the dock between two yachts.
Michael spent some time organizing the “shop”.
We had lunch and dinner on the boat today. The groceries are delicious, of course, because we are in France and most of what I buy is cheese, so how can you go wrong? In between meals we were tourists. We walked around town and took an amphibian vessel to Titihou, the island fort that is no longer an island when the tide runs out.
We also bought an anchor for our dinghy in a local boat store. One of the more interesting things I saw today was the oyster farm, a hidden maze of mesh bags under the sea, that only surfaced when the tide ran out.
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